
Micro-Memoirs of Chinese Contemporary Artists

Amy Cheng

Zheng Shengtian has had both substantial involvement and deep investment in contemporary art. His profound understanding of his interview subjects allowed the artists to speak intimately about their creative practices and the stories which surround it. The interviews are enthralling and easy to read, yet the artists’ personal stories document an innumerable amount of “unbearable lightness.” Even when many of the interviews do not speak directly to the artworks, the artists’ recount of their personal thoughts, experiences of the time opens up profound examinations imbued with humanistic qualities on art and art practices. 

These interviews are like miniature memoirs created through the cumulative process of these dialogues; the project revolves around the axis of these 51 art practitioners and their life experiences, around their studies, moments of enlightenment, their work, and their lives. The interviews form a retrospective view of the twists and turns of the lives of each and every individual, which provide enough detail to assemble an overall portrait of the era for the reader. The past ten years have been a period of considerable historical importance for Chinese people. Over the past decade, the world in which we live has entered the context of globalization—an era characterized by unbridled acceleration, with various elements moving towards the extreme edge of materialism and consumerism. Amongst this climate of change, the development of art within the Chinese world has experienced an unprecedented and astonishing turn of events, unfolding various features and facets that echo both the contemporary zeitgeist and the conflicts which characterize it. The era from which the artists emerged was marked by tremendous social transformations, changes in world view, and in the recognition and assignment of identities.In Mainland China, artists experienced the Reform and Opening-Up; In Taiwan, the end of martial law and in Hong Kong the end of Colonial Era and the Handover to China. After the Millennium and the post-Cold War restructuring of the global political economy, Chinese contemporary artists became participants in this global wave. Like mirrors, they reflect upon the global and historical changes through their work. This wave shook each and every individual who experiences it, including the artists’ practices and their stated motivations. Their brilliance lies in the artists’ endeavor to employ their individual creative energies to help us re-examine and re-create potential value for human existence in our contemporary world. Regardless of the success or failure in this endeavor, history is constructed through countless accumulated experiences—its meaning is far greater than the fragments of individual imaginations or reminiscences. However, moving towards a mode of increased commercialization and industrialization—a process which has characterized this era—has assimilated art production into the massive ecosystem, of “consumer goods.” Today, as art becomes increasingly easy to produce, it is also rapidly breaking away from its creator, the artists, and are assimilated into “a system of mass production for art objects.” We increasingly see art as an economic activity, as part of the culture and entertainment industry, and rarely do we find opportunities for art to return to a life-scale simplicity, where we can employ candid and straightforward approaches to interpret the meanings of the artworks. Paradoxically,  we believe that the incremental accumulation of a life time’s experience is the origin of artistic value. This collection of interviews are reliable and vital archival additions to the historical records of this era, which look back upon the artists’ experiences of growing up to explore their artistic motivations. 

For those interested in understanding the greater historical context of the artists of this era, these small histories and personal narratives from artists who were nurtured through the different regional backgrounds provide a sufficiently broad spectrum to illustrate the trajectory of social, cultural, and political changes in the various periods. The stories, through their similarities and differences, altogether cast light upon a “commoning” of the time.







Some texts and images are reproduced from 
“Approaching Chinese Artists: Fifty One Interviews by Zheng Shengtian”, Art & Collection Group Ltd. Taipei, 2014”